Improve Web Application Security with DevSecOps Implementation

Identify vulnerabilities earlier in the development stage, fix issues 2x faster and ship safer web applications.

Enterprise-grade DIY security testing solution

Empower developers to be the first line of defense by transitioning to our DevSecOps pipeline tool that combines enterprise-grade technology at a low cost.

Ensure software is secure

Identify security flaws with DevSecOps tools integration that allow you to address security for DevOps and make sure web applications are safe from the ground up.

Integrate with the development tools you use

Beagle Security integrates with CI/CD tools like Jenkins, Bitbucket, AWS CodePipeline, Azure Pipelines and tracking tools like Jira, Slack, Trello to improve collaborative work and align various teams within your organisation.

Scalable security solution designed for growth

Never compromise security as your business grows. Seamless DevSecOps pipeline tool integrations enable developers to code more efficiently and deliver safer software with greater speed.

Test any type of web applications & web APIs

Beagle Security’s Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) functionalities work with all web applications and web APIs irrespective of the technology they are built with.

DevSecOps vs DevOps
Secure development and agile delivery of high quality software
Agile and streamlined deployment structure risking security
Security becomes the responsibility of every team member
Security limited to specific team members if taken care of
Remove the risk of zero-day vulnerabilities and software recalls
Vulnerabilities in the DevOps workflow reflect in the final product
Security right from the initial stages of development
Security may or may not be addressed at the final stage of development.
Reliable and robust web application by regular monitoring and risk assessment
Final web application may contain critical security vulnerabilities
Secure your web applications from a growing list of vulnerabilities and save time with Beagle Security integrations