Managing your application security just got easier
Beagle Security helps you handle your appsec workflow from A to Z all in one platform.
An AI engine like none other
Overcome the limitations that vulnerability scanners pose with intelligence & insights that elevate your application security.
REST API & GraphQL testing
Unleash the full potential of your REST and GraphQL APIs by conducting comprehensive security testing specifically designed for REST and GraphQL APIs.
Define tech stack
Get dynamic test case selection and contextual reports by defining your own tech stack for variables such as programming language, database, framework, etc.
Tailored LLM based recommendations
Receive customized suggestions and guidance tailored specifically based on your tech sack with the help of Beagle Security’s advanced LLM.
Business logic recording
Provide recordings of complex login flows and specific PoI to be tested thus saving time and effort and ensuring accurate and consistent testing of critical functionalities within an application.
Extensive vulnerability index
Identify and compare vulnerabilities against an index of over 3000+ vulnerabilities to ensure a comprehensive coverage.
Compliance reports
Stay ahead of regulatory obligations like GDPR, HIPAA & PCI DSS. Build trust with customers and partners, and mitigate the risk of penalties or reputational damage with our thorough compliance mapped penetration reports.
We've got it all covered!
Concurrent tests
Execute multiple security tests simultaneously, allowing for faster and more efficient penetration testing of multiple web applications or APIs.
Easy domain verification
Utilize one of four straightforward and user-friendly methods to confirm your ownership over the domain: File verification, DNS verification, HTML Tag verification, and WordPress plugin verification.
Subdomain auto verification
Automatically verify the ownership of subdomains associated with the root domain.
Pause & resume test
Seamlessly pause and resume your test executions at your convenience, ensuring flexibility, efficiency, and uninterrupted progress.
Role based access controls
Implement granular access restrictions and permissions to specific projects and applications based on user roles.
Swagger & Postman import for APIs
Seamlessly import and synchronize your API endpoints from Swagger and Postman.
Global authorizations for APIs
Authorize the entire list of APIs in an application with a common authorization.
Role-based authorization for API security testing
Assign granular permissions to an individual API or group of APIs, ensuring vulnerabilities like privilege escalation and role-based test cases are covered.
Browser based
Seamlessly navigate and execute tests directly within your preferred web browser.
Security badge & certificate
Show customers your dedication to application security with our security badge and certificate.
WordPress plugin
Start/stop tests, monitor progress, and view test results all from your WordPress admin console.
Asset discovery
We’ll automatically identify all sub domains associated to your asset, so you don’t have to.
Authenticated testing
Ensure critical functionalities behind login page are secured with authenticated testing.
REST API & GraphQL testing
Unleash the full potential of your REST and GraphQL APIs by conducting comprehensive security testing specifically designed for REST and GraphQL APIs.
Business logic recording
Provide recordings of complex login flows and specific PoI to be tested thus saving time and effort and ensuring accurate and consistent testing of critical functionalities within an application.
Define tech stack
Get dynamic test case selection and contextual reports by defining your own tech stack for variables such as programming language, database, framework, etc.
Extensive vulnerability index
Identify and compare vulnerabilities against an index of over 3000+ vulnerabilities to ensure a comprehensive coverage.
Run automated penetration tests for web applications on an internal private network without having to expose it on the internet.
Out of band vulnerability detection
Harness advanced techniques to identify and uncover vulnerabilities that traditional scanning may miss.
Certificate and domain expiry monitoring
Ensure uninterrupted service and maintain airtight security by monitoring the expiration dates of your SSL/TLS certificates and domain registrations.
Beagle Security’s test engine can intelligently detect your tech stack.
Intelligent crawler
Our advanced crawler leverages intelligent algorithms and machine learning capabilities to crawl websites intelligently and efficiently. It dynamically adapts to website structures, navigates through pages, and extracts relevant data with precision.
AI for dynamic test case selection
Leverage artificial intelligence to intelligently and dynamically select test cases.
SPA specific crawling
Maximize the potential of SPA-specific crawling for thorough exploration and extraction of data from your single-page applications.
Human-like penetration testing
Gain all the benefits of a penetration test done by a human without compromising on speed and accuracy with the help of AI.
False positives
Our AI-powered test engine intelligently filters out false positives, ensuring that you receive accurate and actionable alerts.
Crawled URL list
Receive a list of the entire set of URLs crawled to get a better understanding of the test coverage.
2FA & captcha enabled login forms
Experience the easiness of automated login even on web applications having 2FA or CAPTCHA.
Tailored LLM based recommendations
Receive customized suggestions and guidance tailored specifically based on your tech sack with the help of Beagle Security’s advanced LLM.
Proof of exploit
Obtain vulnerability details, including payload used for exploitation and URL path where vulnerability is present.
Occurrence timeline
Know the status of each vulnerability occurrence after each penetration test: fixed, unfixed, reopened, or new.
Compliance reports
Stay ahead of regulatory obligations, build trust with customers and partners, and mitigate the risk of penalties or reputational damage with our thorough compliance mapped penetration reports.
Coverage beyond OWASP Top 10 & CWE Top 25
Go beyond the basics and delve deep into a comprehensive range of vulnerabilities, ensuring holistic protection for your web applications and APIs against both common and obscure security risks.
Risk score
Generate a score based on your application security posture to understand the risk the vulnerabilities may pose.
Acknowledgment notes
Acknowledge and specify certain known risks that are vital to your applications functioning.
Multiple report formats
Enjoy the convenience of downloading reports in multiple formats: PDF, JSON, XML, or CSV.
Vulnerability tags
Use vulnerability tags to identify a variety of security standards and complainces.
Branded reports
Showcase collaboration through shared branded reports.
White-labelled reports
Receive reports exclusively tailored with your brand identity.
Scheduled tests
Whether it's daily, weekly, monthly, or customized schedules, our system allows you to configure and automate test executions according to your desired frequency.
Share test reports with multiple email addresses
Our platform allows you to specify multiple email addresses for report delivery, ensuring that all relevant stakeholders and team members are in the know.
Secure result sharing
Share test results securely via a URL with password-protection and expiration date.
CI/CD pipeline automation
Integrate automated security testing in your CI/CD pipeline for proactive vulnerability detection.
Bug tracking tool integrations
Integrate bug tracking with popular tools like Trello, Azure Board, Jira and more.
ChatOps integrations
Effortlessly share test results, reports, and updates with your team members directly within your preferred chat application.
API integration
Access and leverage our API to retrieve real-time information about test statuses, results, and other relevant data directly within your preferred third-party applications.
Consistently praised on review sites
Experience the power of automated penetration testing & contextual reporting.