Test website security for free

Find website vulnerabilities and prevent cyber attacks with our security testing tool.

The website security testing tool that helps you protect your website from hackers
Easy to set up, easy to use
Zero technical knowledge needed to test website security. Thereafter your development team can jump in and make the necessary fixes according to the details provided in the test reports.
Proper penetration testing tool
While vulnerability scanners just scan a website for vulnerabilities, Beagle Security follows several penetration testing procedures to understand how deep your website can be compromised.
Continuous security for your website
The website security testing tool built for modern online businesses for timely remediation from a growing list of security vulnerabilities and to ensure security.
Test website security in a few easy steps
Enter your website URL
Add the URL you want to test under a project.
Verify your domain ownership
Verify you are an authorised person to carry out the security test.
Start test
Start the security test and sit back while we run things in the background.
Get a detailed report
A detailed report with the proper guidance on how to fix vulnerabilities along with the security score of your website.
Fix issues and retest
Website security isn’t complete without fixing issues and retesting regularly. It’s a constant cycle to be followed.
Don’t leave risks on the table, secure your website today
Protect website from hackers and prevent cyber attacks with Beagle Security. Stay ahead of threats and test website security regularly.
Get started with free website security testing and scale up as your security needs grow.