Web application security testing tool for developers
Empower developers to take charge of web application and API security. Find and fix issues earlier in the development life cycle and improve your web app’s security posture.
Developer-centric web app security testing tool
Automated vulnerability assessments
Web application vulnerabilities are inevitable and they should be found and fixed at the right time. With Beagle Security, you can make sure that your web application is safe from SQL injections, XSS and a growing list of vulnerabilities.
User authenticated in-depth testing
Set up user authentication details for custom web applications to maximize test coverage and get complete visibility into your web application’s security posture.
Secure multiple environments
Secure your staging and production environments without worries of costs adding up. On Beagle Security, you’re billed for the number of tests you require in a month. This makes securing multiple environments cost-effective compared to other solutions.
Collaborate with your teammates
Assign specific access permissions to collaborate easily with your teammates within Beagle Security. Integrate with the project management tools and communication apps of your choice to build completely automated workflows.
Actionable insights about security risks
Get in-depth penetration test reports that give you insights into the severity, occurrence, proof of how each vulnerability was exploited and recommendations to fix them.
Address security in the DevOps pipeline
Beagle Security integrates with all major CI/CD pipeline tools so that you can find and fix vulnerabilities in your DevOps pipeline. Adopt a DevSecOps culture with ease.
Bridging the gap between development and security
Schedule tests
Run concurrent tests
Evidence-based vulnerability reporting
Export results in multiple formats
Security badge & certificate
API integration
Uptime monitoring
Lowest false positives

Latest Resources

Experience the power of automated penetration testing & contextual reporting.