Security testing can be a time-consuming and expensive procedure. It is also a skill-intensive work. But how do businesses that can’t afford periodic security tests protect their data?
Beagle Security is an online vulnerability testing platform that automatically scans your web application to identify open threats.
Your web application will undergo several penetration testing procedures to understand how deep it can be hacked. We regularly update our repository to make sure that Beagle discovers the latest security threats..
To begin with, create a User Account by completing a simple Sign Up process. You will then be prompted to verify your email address as part of our steps for validation. You are now ready to Log In and start using Beagle. Our platform uses a unique 'Project' concept where you could group multiple web applications together and manage it more effectively. Complete creating your project and adding applications to Beagle through Create Project and Add Application pages - it's that simple! All you need to do is follow the steps mentioned in both the above pages to get your application ready for testing using Beagle.