DevSecOps Vs SecDevOps

Neda Ali
Reviewed by
Abey Koshy Itty
Published on
12 Nov 2023
8 min read

What is DevSecOps?

Development Security and Operations is an approach to software development that integrates security practices and principles into every phase of the software development lifecycle (SDLC).

It aims to bridge the gap between development, security, and operations teams by fostering collaboration, automation, and continuous feedback loops.

DevSecOps is a relatively new method for supple environment’s continuous software development processes. The main goal of DevSecOps is to ensure that security is considered an integral part of the development process rather than an afterthought.

By incorporating security early on, organizations can proactively identify and address security vulnerabilities, reduce risks, and deliver more secure and reliable software products. It works on the same principles:

1. Shift-Left approach

DevSecOps emphasizes early integration of security practices in the SDLC, starting from the requirements gathering and design stages.

This enables the identification and mitigation of security issues as early as possible, reducing the potential impact and cost of addressing them later in the development cycle.

2. Automation

DevSecOps promotes the use of automation tools and processes to enforce security policies, perform security testing, and continuously monitor systems for vulnerabilities.

Automated security checks can be integrated into the CI/CD pipeline, ensuring that security is consistently validated throughout the development process.

3. Collaboration and communication

DevSecOps encourages collaboration and communication between development, security, and operations teams. This includes fostering a shared responsibility for security, breaking down silos, and promoting knowledge sharing.

Regular meetings, workshops, and cross-functional teams can help facilitate effective communication and collaboration.

4. Continuous security monitoring

DevSecOps advocates for continuous monitoring of software systems and environments to detect and respond to security threats in real-time which includes monitoring logs, network traffic, and system behavior, as well as utilizing security information and event management (SIEM) tools and intrusion detection systems (IDS).

5. Security as code

DevSecOps treats security configurations, policies, and controls as code artifacts that are managed and versioned alongside the application code.

This allows for consistent and auditable security practices, enabling easier integration of security measures into the CI/CD pipeline and providing transparency in security-related activities.

Limitations of DevSecOps

DevSecOps offers a powerful approach to integrating security into the DevOps process. By blending security with DevOps methodologies, organizations strive to build secure and resilient software systems.

However, like any methodology, DevSecOps comes with its own set of limitations.

1. Cultural challenges

Implementing DevSecOps requires a cultural shift within an organization.

It may require changes in mindset, collaboration, and cooperation between development, security, and operations teams.

2. Skills and expertise

DevSecOps requires individuals with a combination of development, security, and operations skills. Finding and training personnel with the necessary expertise can be a challenge, as it may require upskilling or hiring new talent.

3. Toolchain complexity

DevSecOps relies on a variety of tools and technologies to automate security processes throughout the development lifecycle. Managing and integrating these tools can be complex and time-consuming.

4. Increased complexity

Integrating security practices into the development process adds complexity to the overall workflow.

Developers need to consider security requirements, perform security testing, and address vulnerabilities throughout the development lifecycle.

5. Sensitive information missed

The application’s initial development has been accelerated by the DevSecOps methodology. The quickness, meanwhile, results in omitted weaknesses.

What is SecDevOps?

SecDevOps, also known as Security DevOps, is an approach that emphasizes the integration of security practices into the DevOps methodology.

It focuses on ensuring security is an integral part of the entire software development lifecycle (SDLC), from initial design and development to deployment and operations.

Security is integrated into every step instead of being held by the tools and increases the speed and agility of development teams.

DevSecOps Vs SecDevOps

Information technology (IT) professionals are having a growing discussion about DevSecOps and SecDevOps and what, if anything, characterizes and separates them from one another.

The techniques are very different in terms of both practice and philosophy, although the fundamental objective may be the same—namely, to create more secure applications.

1. Security

DevSecOps is primarily concerned with integrating security processes into DevOps cycles while retaining efficiency.

It emphasizes the collaborative efforts of development, security, and operations teams to ensure security is considered from the earliest stages of development.

SecDevOps places equal emphasis on security and the steps involved in incorporating security into the DevOps process.

It highlights the importance of integrating security practices into DevOps processes to ensure that security is an inherent aspect of software development and delivery.

2. Speed

In the context of speed skills, DevSecOps requires developers, security professionals, and operations teams to have a shared understanding of security principles and practices.

They need to be proficient in implementing security measures, automating security checks, and utilizing tools and technologies that enable fast and secure development and deployment.

SecDevOps approach requires security professionals to develop skills related to agile development practices, continuous integration and delivery, infrastructure automation, and collaboration with development and operations teams.

It involves adapting security processes and controls to fit within a faster-paced DevOps environment without compromising security objectives.

3. Critical KPIs

Issues contributed to the development of DevSecOps, which has achieved significant advancements in assuring both application delivery and security.

These objectives are the same, which is the beauty of DevSecOps. This will significantly cut down on the amount of time businesses spend resolving security concerns.

Additionally, it’s the best way for DevSecOps programs to recognize their strengths and areas for development. It also facilitates communication across the gap that naturally exists between developers and security experts, speeding up the resolution of problems as they arise.

SecDevOps has a very different focus and thinks all DevOps professionals should be security practitioners.

A SecDevOps solution can involve spending money on improving detection techniques or mandating more pat-downs or scanning. The purpose is to contrast business-based decisions that take security considerations into account with those that are security-based.

There is a risk that SecDevOps may include a large degree of security theatre if caution is not taken.

4. Managing the risks

DevSecOps refers to the delivery of secure software inside of processes with sufficient resilience to withstand foreseeable vulnerabilities and assaults.

It does make sure that a vulnerability in a non-critical place won’t be viewed the same as one that could cause financial ruin, such as one that exists in a non-internet-facing application secured by a network firewall.

SecDevOps emphasizes the early identification and assessment of security risks. This involves conducting risk assessments to understand potential vulnerabilities and threats that could impact the software or infrastructure.

Threat modeling techniques can be applied to identify and prioritize potential risks, enabling teams to design appropriate security controls and countermeasures.

Is SecDevOps the goal?

Security teams are continuously coming up with new methods of operation, SecDevOps is kindling passion and fostering creativity.

As departments collaborate rather than develop hostile relationships, it fosters organizational progress.

SecDevOps is not necessarily the goal, but rather a means to achieve the broader objective of integrating security into the DevOps methodology.

The goal is to create a culture, processes, and technologies that enable organizations to develop, deploy, and maintain secure software systems effectively. While SecDevOps provides a valuable framework and approach, organizations should continuously evaluate and evolve their security practices to address changing technology landscapes and emerging threats.

The goal is to achieve a holistic and mature security posture that aligns with the organization’s risk appetite and delivers secure software to users.

Using platforms such as Beagle Security that can help you take the first step into the world of DevSecOps can be the easiest ticket to securing your online architecture. See our DevSecOps capabilities here.

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Written by
Neda Ali
Neda Ali
Product Marketing Specialist
Abey Koshy Itty
Abey Koshy Itty
Marketing Manager
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