Error based SQL Injection

Manieendar Mohan
Published on
16 Sep 2024
7 min read
SQL Injection

Error-based SQL injection is a type of security vulnerability and attack that occurs when an attacker injects malicious SQL statements into a web application’s input fields, causing the application to generate SQL errors.

These errors can reveal sensitive information about the application’s database structure, data, or configuration.

Here’s how error-based SQL injection works:

  1. Injection point: An attacker identifies a vulnerable input field, such as a search box or login form, where user input is directly incorporated into SQL queries.

  2. Injecting malicious code: The attacker inputs carefully crafted SQL code as part of their input. This code is designed to cause SQL syntax errors when the application processes it.

What is error-based SQL injection?

Error-based SQL injection is an In-band injection technique where the error output from the SQL database is used to manipulate the data inside the database.

In In-band injection, the attacker uses the same communication channel for both attacks and collects data from the database.

This is the easiest and most common intrusion technique used by an attacker.

You can force data extraction by using a vulnerability in which the code will output a SQL error rather than the required data from the server.

This method can be easily automated using grep extract functionality. In many cases, the error generated by the database is enough for the attacker to understand the database entirely.


If the server responds to this URL with an SQL error, it proves that the server is connected to the database in an insecure manner. The quote (‘) breaks the SQL syntax. Now, it’s just a matter of running a few SQL commands to collapse/destroy the database.

What are the impacts of error-based SQL injection?

Error-based SQL injection can have significant and potentially severe impacts on a web application and its associated database.

The specific consequences depend on the extent of the vulnerability and the attacker’s skill and intent. Here are some of the key impacts of error-based SQL injection:

1. Unauthorized data access

Attackers can access, view, and retrieve sensitive information from the database. This may include user credentials, personal data, financial records, intellectual property, and more.

2. Data manipulation

In some cases, attackers may be able to modify or delete data within the database. This can lead to data corruption, loss, or unauthorized changes.

3. Data disclosure

The database structure, including table names and column names, can be revealed through error messages. This information can be useful for planning further attacks.

4. Information leakage

Error messages can contain details about the application’s code, which can be used to find other vulnerabilities or weaknesses in the system.

5. Application disruption

Repeated SQL injection attempts may overload the database server or the application, leading to a Denial of Service (DoS) situation where legitimate users are unable to access the application.

6. Regulatory compliance violations

Data breaches caused by SQL injection can lead to legal and regulatory compliance issues, especially if sensitive or personal data is compromised. This can result in fines and legal consequences.

7. Financial loss

Recovering from a SQL injection attack can be costly. Organizations may need to invest in security measures, notify affected individuals, provide credit monitoring services, and potentially pay legal fees and fines.

8. Loss of customer trust

Customers and users may lose trust in an organization that experiences a data breach or security incident, resulting in a loss of business and credibility.

9. Lateral movement

In more sophisticated attacks, where multiple vulnerabilities are exploited, attackers can use error-based SQL injection as a steppingstone to gain deeper access to the network or exploit other weaknesses.

How can you prevent error-based SQL injection?

Preventing and mitigating error-based SQL injection vulnerabilities is crucial for the security of your web applications and databases.

Here are several steps you can take to prevent and mitigate the risks associated with error-based SQL injection:

1. Input validation and sanitization

Always validate and sanitize user input to ensure it does not contain any malicious SQL code.

Use input validation techniques to permit only expected input, rejecting any input that doesn’t conform to the defined pattern.

Employ whitelisting (allow only known good inputs) rather than blacklisting (disallowing known bad inputs) whenever possible, as blacklists can be incomplete and bypassed.

2. Parameterized queries or prepared statements

Use parameterized queries or prepared statements provided by your programming language or database interface. This separates user input from the SQL query and prevents injection by design.

Avoid building SQL queries by concatenating user input. Instead, use placeholders or parameterization to bind user input securely.

3. Stored procedures

Consider using stored procedures for database interactions. Stored procedures can provide an additional layer of protection by encapsulating SQL logic and making it harder for attackers to inject code.

4. Least privilege principle

Ensure that the database user account used by the application has the minimum necessary privileges to perform its tasks. This limits the potential impact of a successful attack.

5. Custom error handling

Implement custom error handling that doesn’t reveal sensitive information about your database or application. When an error occurs, return a generic error message to the user, and log the detailed error information separately for debugging purposes.

6. Web application firewall (WAF)

Implement a web application firewall that can help detect and block SQL injection attempts. A WAF can analyze incoming traffic and block malicious requests.

7. Security scanning and testing

Regularly scan and test your application for security vulnerabilities, including SQL injection, using tools and techniques like automated vulnerability scanners and manual testing.

8. Security training and awareness

Train developers and system administrators in secure coding practices, including how to prevent SQL injection. Ensure that everyone involved in the development process understands the importance of security.

9. Patch and Update

Keep your web application frameworks, libraries, and database management systems up to date with the latest security patches and updates.

10. Monitoring and Logging

Implement real-time monitoring and logging to detect and respond to suspicious activities or attacks. Detecting unusual patterns of database queries can be an early warning sign of an ongoing attack.

11. Incident response plan

Have an incident response plan in place to handle security incidents, including SQL injection attacks. This plan should include steps for identifying, mitigating, and recovering from such attacks.

By taking these preventive measures and maintaining a security-first mindset, you can significantly reduce the risk of error-based SQL injection vulnerabilities in your web applications.

Security should be an ongoing concern, with continuous monitoring and improvement of security measures as new threats emerge.

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Written by
Manieendar Mohan
Manieendar Mohan
Cyber Security Lead Engineer
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