A database is an organised collection of data that can be stored and accessed electronically. Database stores data in the form of tables. A database is organised using a DataBase Management System (DBMS). The DBMS has implemented authentication so as to block the access to the database from attackers. There are many files in the server that reveal information about the database. These files include the catalog.nsf, cersvr.ncf and so on. These files must be restricted from being accessed by an attacker. These files might reveal information like database name, user credentials and many more. This information can be used by an attacker to know more about its users. The attacker can sell the leaked information to companies that indulge in information collection. This information will help advertisement companies to personalise adverts for the users. This vulnerability will allow the following attacks:-
Using this vulnerability, an attacker can:-
Beagle recommends the following impacts:-